Training Stuff:

The method of training that I have chose and found that works well is the praise method. Dogs basically have only one goal in life - to eat. When a dog does something that is desirable - a treat is given immediately to reward the desired action. Eventually the food treat will be replaced with a toy that he enjoys along with some play time with the owner. Both visual commands, hand signals, and verbal commands are useful - oddly enough the hand signals should be learned first. Since the dog is doing the desired actions for the food reward - the visual commands come first, then a mixture of visual and verbal commands with food treat will be used.

Some of the most useful training items:

Main Train Who am I Sit
Lay Down Stay Come
House Training Heel  

Most of the different techniques of training may seem simple, and at first a very common sense type of thing, but they are very successful. I didn't think my dog would be capable of any kind of obedience, but after these simple training techniques - he has become a more disciplined dog. I must admit that I don't spend the amount of time I probably should on his training, which is an ongoing task, but he does alright.