
Like other commands - sit should first start with the visual hand signal - then as the dog masters that verbal commands can be added.

A piece of food is held in the hand - so the dog sees it. The hand is slowly raised above the dogs head. The dogs head will only tilt up so far, after that point he will automatically sit down in order to be able to see the hand with the treat in it. Immediately after the dog sits - put the piece of food in his mouth, to associate the action the owner raising his hand over the dogs head and the dog sitting down with receiving the food treat.

After the hand signal is mastered the verbal command "SIT" along with raining your hand with the food treat in it over the dogs head. Once the dog learns this a mixture of verbal and visual SIT commands should be given in random order, praise and food treat should be given when acceptable performance is given.

Main Train Who am I Sit
Lay Down Stay Come
House Training Heel