This was my house. One of the saddest days was when I sold it and moved out.


My house

This photo was taken on a gloomy English fall afternoon.

More pics of the house. 

Projects around the house.

Pics of the modifications to my house.

I left for a month without having someone cut grass, right after I fertilized the lawn tallgrass.jpg (181780 bytes) When I got home the grass was about 18 inches tall, and not a few tall blades, they were all 18" tall. It took four hours to cut. I burned out a friends gas lawn mower, and once it was all cut there was no green stuff left. It took the rest of the summer to re-grow my lawn. So much for making it look like there was someone living there while I was gone.

Another pic of my house  frontyard.jpg (127493 bytes) It will be sad to leave, I almost got it the way I like it. Oh well I will find a bigger house and do bigger projects, I better get a bigger website!