
The old brown carpet that came with the place was better than a lot of Brits have, but it was worn in places and it was brown. A couple people came to get pieces of it for their house - I would hate to see what the houses look like if they wanted the old carpet I was throwing away. One guy took most of it, he wanted to line the bottom of a fish pond - a good use for it..

oldcarpet.jpg (116925 bytes) The old carpet. 

prenewcpt.jpg (142514 bytes)Getting ready for the new carpetprenewcpt1.jpg (102854 bytes)

thenewcpt.jpg (138007 bytes)The new carpet, it cost extra for these guys to install it inside my house.

  carpettv.bmp (3241974 bytes)Back in business carpetchair.bmp (3338454 bytes).