dude.bmp (42462 bytes)

dude1.bmp (646402 bytes)           dude2.bmp (1217814 bytes)           dude3.bmp (1217814 bytes)

Dude had is first bandage, he splintered his toe nail on his chain link fenced kennel, dude ouch.bmp (3299454 bytes), that was only on for two days, must have seemed like linger for him, then it was back to normal dude.bmp (2299526 bytes). I finally got his kennel winterized  dude house.bmp (2708438 bytes),doesn't look the greatest - but it is warm, dry, and it makes my house look big.
After a few years he mellowed a bit dude.jpg (103971 bytes) so I let him stay in the house while I am gone.
Since he was in my house he didn't need a house of his own nodoghouse.jpg (135602 bytes)
I tried one of those quick cams, mainly to take pics of my stuff before I moved.
Here is a few pics of my little Dude smile.jpg (26485 bytes)